The More Than Beautiful Project
Because I believe women — want more than beauty. They also want a strong mindset, an abundance of confidence, a positive self image, healthy relationships, the know-how to overcome obstacles, and live satisfying lives.
It all started when…
My daughter was three years old, sitting in the grocery cart as I was pushing it down the aisle. An older man walked past, looked at her and stopped. He said, “One day she will be Miss America, I bet she will.”
Maybe he meant well, but I felt angry over his comment — like that was her highest aspiration. A fire was lit. That was eight years ago.
Since then I’ve experienced my own personal development journey, have taught my daughters the same core beliefs I learned, and have taught them to numerous women and girls. It’s worked for them and it can work for you too!
Who is The More Than Beautiful Project for? A woman who wants a better mindset, increase confidence levels, develop positive body image, improve relationships, and increase her life experiences. It’s also for the mom with daughters who wants to vaccinate them from low self-esteem and unhealthy relationships. It’s also for the woman who didn’t learn the skills throughout high school and college — I know I certainly didn’t and I feel like this set of skills is essential to be a woman in her power.
What is the format? The More Than Beautiful Project™ is a private Facebook Group for women. Content is available on your own time and at your own pace. There is a mixture of video, PDF’s, Q&A’s, additional resources and a community of like-minded women, with me as your coach. $333
Additional 1:1 private Voxer coaching (my favorite) is available with the VIP Version. $555
Join at any time. I invite you to make this investment for yourself. And if you have daughter(s), it’s a bonus!
Benefits of The More Than Beautiful Project™:
Knowing how to clear your mind, make decisions and feel less stress, worry and fear, so you can live your best life.
Increased levels of confidence and finding your personal power when circumstances “break” your confidence.
Develop a positive self image feel the impact spread to other areas of your life.
Level up your relationships and refrain from losing your “self”.
Overcome obstacles throughout life more quickly and easily.
Learn to create the next-level version of YOU.
PLUS — learn how to teach and help your daughter(s) with all of the above!
All ideas, concepts, copy, intellectual property, design and programming are protected by copyright and trademark to Alisa Divine.